Absorb or Pass on Fees to Guests

When creating event tickets, you have two options for how to apply our competitive transaction fee.

  1. Pass on fee: This means that the ticket buyers will have the transaction fee added to the total of their purchase amount. For example, if a student buys a ticket for $10, they will pay $10 + transaction fee.
  2. Absorb fee: This means the transaction fee is deducted from the amount of money your club receives from each ticket purchase. For example, if a student buys a ticket for $10, they will only pay $10 and your club will receive $10 - transaction fee into your virtual treasury.

Most clubs pass on their fees, however other clubs may choose to absorb them to prevent their members from having to pay the additional charge. If you would like to absorb the fee (so your members don't see them) without cutting into the money you receive, you may choose to increase the price of the tickets.

Choose to absorb or pass on ticket transaction fees to your guest by toggling the options on the left sidebar menu.